Top healthy tips to lose fat and get ripped abs.
1) Sleep more
2) Snack smarter
3) Eat more drink less
4) Lift weights more often
5) Lift heavier weights
6) Eat more fish oil
8) Worry less, eat less
9) Shake up your diet
10) Add the big vitamin D
1) Sleep more, Sleeping less changes how you react to images and thoughts of food. One night of bad sleep, you experience increased activity in your brain's reward center. When you see food your brain triggers an increased desire to eat food and a lot of it. Aim for 8 hours of sleep and no less then 7 hours.
2) Snack smarter your best bet is to use your hand to salve your cravings. If a portion does not fit in your hand if its chicken, cheese or fruit then the portion is too much. It should take no longer then 10 seconds to read its food label.
3) Eat more drink less, to cut weight fast conduct a quick inventory of what you eat and drink every day, and remove all of the beverages not named water. In doing so you cut your calories down by 50%.
4) Lift weights more often, Start by lifting body weight and weight 3 times a week of resistance training. this will keep you burning calories and will offer a metabolic boost you need to burn fat.
5) Each time you reach a rep goal increase the weight, keep pushing yourself to become better.
6) Eat more fish oil, Omega 3 fatty acids is the secret ingredient to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time. Omega 3 help fight against cortisol- The stress your body produces that makes it easier for you to store fat. You and add fish oil daily, no matter if its a supplement or whole food source like salmon, sardines. Recommend 2 to 3 grams of fish oil a day.
7) Load up on protein, Every time you eat a meal you want to consume some type of protein source. This will help burn extra calories. Protein help control blood sugar, keeps you fuller, reduces hunger. For each meal 6 ounces portion of fish, chicken, or beef is reasonable. Snacks look for nits, stick of string cheese, cup of Greek yogurt or cottage cheese.
8) Worry less, eat less, The less you are stressed out the less
food you eat. The more you are stressed out the more the body looks for confer foods. This alters your levels of dopamine a feel good hormone. Simply find a distraction that calms you down, turn to the game, listen to music, talk to a friend, focus on a yoga or meditation within 10 to 15 minutes daily.
9) Shake up your diet, Protein shakes is not just for weight lifters, proteins powers can help you shrink your gut. Include a whey protein shake into your diet once a day or every other day. You don't just have to drink it after a workout you can eat for breakfast, or a snack.
10) Add vitamin D, By adding vitamin d supplement into your diet it can help you burn the fat that you eat. Vitamin D supplement stores less body fat and burns more fat. It plays a vital role in controlling cortisol. Take an additional 2,0000 to 4,000 IU of vitamin D per day to receive health benefits. You can take a vitamin Supplement or add fish salmon, dairy products like yogurt eggs and mushrooms.