Monday, March 11, 2013

Blasting Abs Workout!

Here is my ab routine that gets me that tight, flat stomach! :)

Equipment needed: Dumbell 8-15lbs. (beginner-advanced) and a mat

For each exercise do 3-5 sets of 6-10 reps per side twice a week. Work up to 3-5 sets of 15.

1. Upper and lower abs: TOE CRUNCH

A. Lie on back with arms and legs raised stright in the air.
B. Slowly crunch up and reach for your toes without bending your legs or neck.

2. Obliques (sides): SIDE CRUNCH

A. Lie on right side with legs stacked, right arm in front of you palm up, and left hand by temple.
B. Lift upper and lower body off floor at same time, twisting slightly so you end in a side v-up pose.

3. Upper and Lower abs: BUTT BALANCE

A. Sit on floor, hugging knees to chest with feet off the ground.
B. Stretch arms out to "T" while extending legs out to 45 degree angle.
C. Balance on butt for 3-4 seconds and release.

4. Upper abs: WEIGHTED ROLL-UP

A. Lie on back with knees bent at 45 degree angle,arms slightly bent holding weight towards the sky.
B. Slowly roll up halfway, pushing the weights straight up. Slowly roll down and repeat.

5. Waist and lower back: LEG CROSS OVER

A. Lie on stomach, legs together and elbows bent  and laying flat on mat to support you.
B. Bend your left leg and cross it over your butt to touch the floor on your right side. Switch sides.

6. Upper, Lower, and obliques: TWISTING V-UP

A. Lie on back, hand at temples, left leg bent at 45 degree angle and right straight out on floor.
B. Sit up as you twist towards the right leg, bringing your right knee to your left elbow. Return to start and switch sides.

7. Lower abs: SHOULDER STAND

A. Lie on back, arms at sides, with palms flat and legs bent.
B. Plant arms, roll knees over chest, then push legs straight up. Hold 3 seconds, then slowly roll down to the ground, controlling the movement.

8. Upper, Lower, and obliques: SEATED SIDE TWISTS

A. With legs bent, knees together, and arms bent in front of you. Twist your lower body to the left and upper body to the right.
B. Alternate sides while balancing on your butt for full set on each side.

9. Upper, Lower abs and back: PLANE

A. Lie on stomach, feet and arms together so your body is in straight line.
B. Lift your legs and upper body off the ground, extending arms to sides like a "T" and keeping feet together. Hold for 5 seconds and lower.



A. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, hands behind head.
B. Twist at waist to bring your opposite knee up to your opposite elbow. Stay standing tall.
C. Repeat 25x on both sides.

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