Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Cellulite! ugh...



Yes, 90% of all women develop cellulite at some point or to some degree. The unfair part is men

almost never do! Cellulite is actually a skin problem not a fat problem. Even skinny people have it!

Where cellulite is located circulation is an issue. It's hormonal. Circulation tends to be weaker in the

hips, thighs, and butt area and collagen is weaker in these areas due to lack of blood flow and the

result is a cottage cheese effect. Cellulite is caused by water damage and fat cells that come closer to

the surface of the skin and become visible due to this weakening of the skin's structure.  What can we

do? Adding hydrating and cell-fortifying ingredients to your diet like glucosamine, essential fatty

acids, amino acids, lecithin and antioxidants may help. A regular fitness regimen to boost circulation

may also help.  Drink lots of water to keep the skin and body hydrated! You should also eat  more

fruits, vegetable and whole grains to help build collagen. Consume protein in the form of lean meats,

nuts, seeds and eggs, which all contribute to building connective tissue, helping to prevent and

minimize the appearance of cellulite. If we flood our bodies with the nutrients they need we mitigate

the damage and potential for fat to migrate in the space.  Stress reduction has also been shown to be

helpful. A regular exercise program can help maintain your stress level. And what about crèmes?

Most don't work, but there are some that increase blood flow with circulation-boosting agents such as

cayenne pepper, cat's claw herb, B vitamins and bioflavonoids, to name a few. I personally use

coconut oil with vitamin E as my body lotion. These really help only the top layerof the epidermis,

but they may be effective when combined with reduced stress, exercise and the proper nutrition.

Well, it's nice to know we're all in it together! :)

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