Thursday, February 7, 2013

What things are keeping you overweight? Let me tell you!

If you aren't losing weight there could be something you're doing wrong. Here's a list of some things keeping you from becoming the best you possible!

·        You eat the wrong post-workout snacks.

You should aim to have a mix of protein and complex carbs under 150 calories unless it's a meal.


·        You never indulge.


Eating a piece of chocolate or burger isn't going matter as long as you maintain a healthy diet in the long run. It's ok to indulge, but that doesn't mean overeat. You still need to watch portions.

·        You leave out entire food groups.

Don't eliminate all fats, carbs or proteins. All are necessary for healthy weight loss and maintenance.

·        You don’t eat enough.

Don’t starve yourself for calories for later. It just messes up your metabolism and makes your body go into starvation mode.

·        You wear clothes that are too big.

I love wearing comfy clothes, but not all the time. Loose clothing covers you up to mask what you really look like.

·        You eat without thinking

If you are a cardio junkie then you are missing out! Not only does weight training help prevent injury and increase lean muscle it also increases your metabolic rate.

·        You exercise with an empty stomach

Research shows that when you work out on an empty stomach the calories burned come from muscle, not fat. Fueling your body properly will help you avoid losing hard earned muscle and give you more energy.

·        You don’t keep a food journal

Writing down or logging your food intake is crucial for weight loss. It shows you exactly what you put into your body. Those that keep journal/logs are more successful with weight loss.    *My Fitness Pal is a great app/website that you can use. I use it personally!

·        You’re always dining out

·        You’re on a diet, sort of…

You can’t eat clean halfway if you want to see results. Stay committed to your plan and think about the end result.

·        You don’t leave time for fun

Stress is shown to cause weight gain by triggering you to eat more foods high in sugar and fat. Give yourself a treat every month or more often like…massage, pedi/mani, time with family, etc.

·        You don’t drink water! GASP!

Water is the most important for not only weight loss but, our bodies function and hydration.  Filling up on water before meals also helps for portion control and can speed up your metabolism.

·        You’re addicted to condiments and toppings.

These can be loaded with extra calories and fat that you just don’t need. Try using salt free seasonings, citrus fruits, and balsamic vinegar instead.

·        Your partner isn’t on the same healthy road.

Having your family/partner be on a similar path can help motivate you. You will know you’re not alone and can encourage each other. If you’re not your relationship can be making you fat. Communication is key and only great things can come out of this.

·        You still drink soda

Yes, even diet soda isn’t good. Try slowly replacing each soda with lemon water and work your way down.

·        You don’t cut your food

It may seem childish but, studies have shown that human find smaller portions more satisfying and as result are satisfied with less.

·        You think walking your dog is enough

·        You don’t eat enough veggies

Eating 5-7 servings of fruits and veggies is important especially for weight loss. They are packed with nutrient that clean out our bodies of impurities.

·        You overindulge in low-fat foods

Lower calorie, low fat foods can be deceiving, since many are filled with extra sugar, sodium, or chemical additives. They also are chemical made to make you want to eat more of them.

·        You don’t sleep enough.

You should try to get 6-8hrs of sleep each night. Not enough sleep will increase appetite stimulating hormones causing you to overeat.

·        You eat while standing up

This can lead to mindless eating and also make your body think it’s not being fed, so sit down with your family and eat together.

·        You don’t practice portion control

·        You don’t eat breakfast

People who eat breakfast regularly lose more weight than those that don’t. So make sure you do to jump start that metabolism.

·        You overeat healthy foods

You still need to watch portion control with healthy foods. For example there are many benefits of almonds, but when you eat the whole bag it goes to waste or to your waist.

Hope this helps! Now let’s get fit!


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